The two below applets monitor Upload and Download traffic on specific interfaces. When they exceed 7Mbps for more than 180 seconds (3 minutes), it will execute the configured commands, capture the output and email it to me. Very useful for monitoring WAN links.

event manager applet wan-download_monitor authorization bypass
event interface name GigabitEthernet0/1 parameter receive_rate_bps entry-op ge entry-val 7000000 entry-type increment poll-interval 180
action 1.01 syslog msg "------ EEM GENERATED MESSAGE ---------"
action 1.02 syslog msg "----- HIGH DOWNLOAD RATE DETECTED ----"
action 1.03 cli command "enable"
action 1.04 set result ""
action 1.05 cli command "show ip flow top-talkers"
action 1.06 append result "$_cli_result"
action 1.07 cli command "show interface gig 0/1"
action 1.08 append result "$_cli_result"
action 2 mail server "$_email_server" to "$_email_to" from "$_email_from" subject "High Download Rate Detected" body "Router has detected high Download rate exceeding 7 Mbps for over 4 minutes: $result"
event manager applet wan-upload_monitor authorization bypass
event interface name GigabitEthernet0/1 parameter transmit_rate_bps entry-op ge entry-val 7000000 entry-type increment poll-interval 180
action 1.01 syslog msg "------ EEM GENERATED MESSAGE ---------"
action 1.02 syslog msg "----- HIGH UPLOAD RATE DETECTED ----"
action 1.03 cli command "enable"
action 1.04 set result ""
action 1.05 cli command "show ip flow top-talkers"
action 1.06 append result "$_cli_result"
action 1.07 cli command "show interface gig 0/1"
action 1.08 append result "$_cli_result"
action 2 mail server "$_email_server" to "$_email_to" from "$_email_from" subject "High Upload Rate Detected" body "Router has detected high Upload rate exceeding 7 Mbps for over 4 minutes: $result"

courtesy of Chris Partsenidis